A RINO is Born
Witnessing the miracle of life is a marvelous thing – the birth of a baby, hatching of an egg, emerging of a butterfly from a cocoon. But the birth of a RINO is a revolting and dreadful event that I’ve never had the misfortune to observe in real time – until now.
Thanks, Delegate Tim Anderson!
During his campaign for the 83rd District, his future seemed bright. A scrappy lawyer from Tidewater, he took on big issues and had a refreshing and spot-on take. His extreme nerdiness gave him a likable charm and I happily “liked” and “followed,” his social media, thrilled a conservative candidate was finally using the platform to unapologetically address important conservative issues.
But little did I know that just over a year after he was (barely) elected, an unrecognizable creature would emerge from his red shell -his two new faces not even a mother could love.
From divorcing Trump, distancing himself from abortion, cozying up to same-sex marriage, betraying true-conservative friends, and siding with the state on unconstitutional Covid mandates, the last month has given witness to a head- spinning devolution of epic proportions.
Any revelation of a RINO is heartbreaking - like learning the Tooth Fairy isn’t real. It’s embarrassing and shocking. But Tim Anderson’s 180 is especially disturbing because he seems to be experiencing some sort of delusion. He bragged about his social media traffic on the The John Reid Show, honestly believing it equates to public support for his new middle-of-the-road opinions.
It also got me wondering how this even happened in the first place. Which came first, the RINO or the egg?
Was Anderson hiding his true self to get elected or was he “changed” like a Vampire? Can we ever tell which candidates will be too weak to endure the pressures from the left or do we just miss signs along the way?
Either way I feel terrible for his voters who were duped, and I feel even worse for the Commonwealth of Virginia who can do nothing but watch in disbelief as he now rears his fresh horn and stampedes his way through legislature.
Congratulations Republicans, on the newest member of your RINO family.